Suggested Interview Questions
You say you created the Sustainable Gardening Library in 2015 out of frustration with existing sources of information. Can you tell us more about that?
You’ve mentioned that there’s an important distinction between sustainable gardening and organic gardening. Can you elaborate?
You only accept content for the Library from public gardens, colleges and universities, and government agencies. Why is that and why is it important?
The Sustainable Gardening Institute is the first organization to build an online Library based on GIS mapping. That’s pretty unusual, isn’t it? What was the driving force behind that decision?
What opportunities are available to those who would like to volunteer or intern with the Sustainable Gardening Institute?
And, how can people make a donation to support the Library?
What kind of resources can our listeners expect to find in the Sustainable Gardening Library?
Is the Library just for homeowners who garden?
Can you talk a little bit about how gardening sustainably can have an impact on climate change?
You said one of your hot buttons is humanity’s growing disconnection from Nature. Tell us more about that.